
Bob Liebman Consulting is a unique Site, to say the least, and Bob offers some unique services. Having had a ‘wild ride’ in his life to now, but more recently not having quite fulfilled his dream of making it to Congress either as a US Representative or Senator, he has committed his future toward dealing with some of the serious challenges we face both as a nation, and as a world.

So what do Bob- and Bob Liebman Consulting- offer? In summary, the following:

  • Project Management at its most efficient and thorough going, with results ‘par excellence,’
  • Writing and editing of just about any subject and volume, done thoroughly and efficiently, also ‘at a moment’s notice,’ if necessary, to meet requirements that are urgent,
  • Review of any project currently on-going, to be certain the principals regarding same haven’t overlooked something,
  • Brain storming with principals to come up with unique solutions to all varieties of challenges and problems at hand,
  • ‘Marrying’ client principals to key people, businesses, political figures, and financial capabilities, toward enhancing the probabilities of project success,
  • ‘Doing the unexpected and unusual’ toward the aims of success, otherwise known as ‘Thinking Outside the Box,’
  • Working with unusual concepts to overcome small, medium, large, and even HUGE obstacles,
  • Thinking and acting in all instances with optimal fairness toward citizens of all nations, beginning with our own, in all projects and activities, based on his enormous knowledge of the world and its citizens, north and south, east and west, and regarding all religious outlooks, and,
  • With all of the above, helping optimize the growth, health and well being of as many of the world’s citizens as possible, in everything he does.

Sometime back, while on a project in Saudi Arabia, Bob began to realize that he was an ‘Organizer, Analyzer, Synthesizer and Communicator, written and oral, technical and social.’

But later, ‘along the line,’ he also came to understand that there is the potential for a ‘synchronous disposition’ in all things men attempt, and to the degree one enters into this ‘disposition,’ in as many areas as possible, one elevates one’s chances for success.

Finally came his awareness that, in international relations, there are two key factors regarding how nations relate, which are ‘evolutionary revolution’ and ‘tensile balance of power,’ and working within these two keys, but also applying the concepts of ‘true spirituality,’ which has many roots, yet, in the end, is the same throughout the world, success on infinite numbers of projects and endeavors is enormously enhanced.

Some interesting examples of ‘Thinking Outside the Box’ have been:

  • Bob’s visit while a West Point cadet to the former Soviet Union for three weeks during the summer of 1959. The Soviet Union was America’s arch enemy back in those days, yet Bob visited Moscow, then Stalingrad, Kiev, Rostov-Don and then Leningrad, taking 300 x 35 mm color slides in the process thereof. Bob ‘rolled the dice’ both with the authorities at West Point and in Washington, and came up a winner, also increasing his Russian fluency in the process thereof, and learning many things he might never have learned about his ‘enemy’ in the process thereof,
  • Nixon’s opening to China in 1972,
  • In 1981, Anwar Sadat threw the Soviets out of Egypt, but he was left with Soviet MiG-21 aircraft in his country. Bob came up with the concept of retrofitting American Sidewinder missiles on these aircraft, and, in effect, made substantial progress toward getting this project approved here in the States,
  • On June 4, 1981, Bob turned in a paper on ‘Third World Country Nuclear Proliferation’ for a graduate seminar at University of South Florida, prioritizing Iraq as second behind Israel as most likely out of 6 ‘third world’ countries nominated, to ‘lob a nuc’ over the next 10 year period of time. Three days later, on June 7, Israeli jets flew into Baghdad, Iraq, and destroyed the Osiris reactor there that had been supplied to Sadam Hussein by France,
  • Ronald Reagan's convening with Mikail Gorbachev, then Chairman of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, in Reykjavik, Iceland, in 1986, which was the beginning point which ended up resulting in enormous reductions of both Soviet/CIS/Russian and US nuclear stockpiles by a significant margin,
  • Sig Hecker, Director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory’s, travel to the Soviet Union in 1989 with scientific associates, to convene with their associates in the Soviet Union to ‘gather in’ roughly 100,000 nuclear devices in order to keep them from falling into the wrong hands as the Soviet Union was disintegrating. Hecker’s comment on his extraordinary ‘junket’ to his former enemy’s heartland was ‘When the top leadership is in a mess, it can be the time to execute a well thought out plan…’
  • In August, 2011, while considering getting on the ballot in New Mexico for its up and coming US Senate race, Bob came up with the concept of a ‘Five- Tiered Graduated Flat Tax System,’ which generated the following comment from Warren Buffett: ‘Bob- you are on the right track- I would have somewhat more progressive.’ Bob had some difficulties getting his Plan modelled by the Congressional Joint Committee on Taxation, also allowing that the Committee had other substantial things ‘on its mind’ at the time.  But Bob also believes his Plan for personal federal taxation represented one of the fairest and most comprehensive he’s ever been aware of.

Bob believes that to the degree we are in ‘synchronous harmony’ in our personal and professional lives, also ‘in spiritual tune,’ we greatly enhance how we approach tasks, and our chances for success regarding them.